Good Enough 4 Government Work

All I have to say is, thank God for playoff hockey.

Damme that’s cold... ice cold.

There actually is evidence that the woman who claims to have been punched threw a bottle at Marshall and his crew, and then went over and threw a punch at someone, possibly Mike Sims Walker. Does it justify Marshall (or even Sims Walker) hitting her in response. My personal moral code says no, but legally I think it’s

Coconut oil is actually an excellent butter substitute on popcorn, and if you get the spray kind it’s a hell of a lot easier to apply. Also, cheese dust is criminally low on this list. And soy sauce? Gross.

Making too much money in baseball is almost an oxymoron. I think the team owed it to the fans to keep their favorite player around. It’s the least they can do since winning is obviously not a priority.

Where the hell is Maggiano’s? It’s like Macaroni Grill but better... sort of. Is it too fancy or something?

Marshmallows are butt. In all forms. Suck it.

The Tulo trade zapped the last bit of goodwill that I had for the Rockies. They have never attempted to put a winner together (they got lucky in 2007), and Montfort couldn’t give two fucks about the fans. The numbers of people at home games rooting for the away team has steadily increased in the last few years, and I

I vote Alicia Vikander, but for Ex Machina instead. The Danish Girl and Brooklyn seem like pure Oscar bait to me. Or is it Oscarbate?

Terrible movie.

That picture is from City Park assjack, which coincidentally happens to be on the east (farther from the mountains) side of the city proper. You can see the mountains from DIA which is practically in Kansas, but you probably already knew that. Troll harder buddy.

We’re talking about his face here right?

Sounds like you’ve been enjoying too many Rocky Mountain highs. I live in Denver and you can see the mountains quite clearly on almost every single day of the year. The only times you can’t are during a winter inversion or if we are being impacted by summer forest fires (usually from other states).

This is the real crux of the argument here. As the rule is written, the Gio hit is legal, the AB hit is not. Any person with eyes can see how stupid that is. Whether you are defenseless or not, if someone targets the head then that should be flagged. Even if you see the hit coming you may not be able to avoid it. It

Man are you insufferable.

“turd smolder”... bravo sir.


I don’t know why, but this joke is the best thing going right now. It’s damn near perfect!

Hockey = Russia, Russia = Putin, therefore it is obvious that Obama and Putin were in cahoots to annex Crimea. Also, something something Benghazi. Trump 2016!

Killer argument.