
The AV Club is now doing what every other website does - PC outrage thinkpieces and reposting "Great Job, Internet" crap. Why? Because that what gets the click$$$$. I mean, you clicked on this, didn't you?

Hit show + PC outrage = CLICK$$$$$$$$$$$

Much like Fox's transition to an all-porn network, the AV Club became Salon so gradually I didn't even notice.

Much like Fox's transformation into a hardcore porn channel, it happened so gradually I hardly even noticed it.

You guys just got done telling us how racist the Oscars were. I'm getting clickbait whiplash over here!

I don't think I'll ever get over Nacho Grande. Those wounds run pretty deep.

Oh goddammit AV Club, don't do this. You're better than BS outrage clickbait.

I have really high hopes for this but "They Came Together" was such a letdown :(

I am against this not because of its all-female cast, or because I think it's unnecessary, but because absolutely everything about it is cynically designed to get (and keep) social media yakking about it.

Tricky, tricky!

Lisa, is it really you?

The fact that they're named after the band from "The Money Pit" makes them even better.

Nobody will ever love improv as much as the people who do improv.

That's really the beauty of it. It's a brilliant business model.

Articles like this don't have to be well thought out, or particularly good. They get clicks. The AV Club is finally in the Internet Outrage Business, and business is good.

Yeesh, just scrolled down and holy shit, you're the worst.

What I SHOULD have said is the generic "LOL mad white guy" line is tired and lazy and feeds into the same antagonistic, counterproductive narrative that is swallowing up the internet.


Articles about outrage/sexism/racism generate clicks. The AV Club is jumping on that train. It's a business decision more than anything else, hence the Internet's current obsession with being mad about everything all the time.