
So it is better than Rocky V.

You’d probably be better off watching the last 152 minutes of Tommy Morrison’s life.

My favorite Stormtroopers were the two who turned around to avoid Ren’s emo tantrum.

Well, to be fair, nobody likes spoilt Milk. . .

Retired boxer went to jail for rape and was a leading cast member in top rated sitcom Friends.

It’s rotting grain. Ben Carson said so.

“cut up my face double edged blade”

i felt hella creepy for awhile and then i decided to just live my truth

Try cutting off the wifi, see if that works better.

No, they didn’t. They tried to be new, hip and cool...and tried way too hard.

I just hope this show dies a quick death. If they wanted to bring the Muppets back, they should have gone with a new “Muppet Show”, Vaudeville shlock and all.

Pretty sure the right-wingers on here are just annoyed at being reminded how fucking stupid their politicians are....

All these rules, no wonder Michael Cole almost choked himself on Monday Night RAW, having to call Cesaro’s Cross Face holding maneuver. Almost crippling, even.

“Don’t rhyme quinoa with any wrestler’s name. Past or present, but specifically past.”

Cookie dough is friend to all children

I like a lot fo cookies, but yes. Cookie dough is great. Cookie dough is really neat. Cookie dough is made of meat. Yay Gamera!

I thought the flag was for when you leave mail in the box for the postal worker, not for when your mail has been delivered.

The guy who was reporting about the guy who dirited his pants, he just sounds so defeated by this and life. It’s like there is a pause before he says the final sentence and you can hear his inner monologue saying, “This is my life...fuck.”

I did not think he was shaming the people who had to sue, but was shaming the companies.

MissAdventure would be a more apt name.