
Another awesome review, summing up everything eloquently! *thumbs up*

I have been out of the scene so long I didn't find this funny at all.

Fascinating story! Thanks for sharing. Fact can be stranger than fiction, that's for sure.

He's sure one tall cool glass of…vodka? Am I doing this right?

I loved your review. The episode WAS magnificent. I am cried out now. OMG Hodor… that was such a powerful ending. I'm still absorbing it hours later…

Yeah, that really bugs me. It would be nice if they had addressed that at all… or had him struggling in any way… but no. :(

I liked it a lot, but I'm not sure it's an especially good movie, especially when you think about it at any length. I'm open to arguments that TFA does not especially work. (I have one friend who hates it as much as you, and I have patiently listened to her rants.)

I feel the movie has some redeeming qualities in that it's pretty entertaining in a sudsy 1930s middlebrow sort of way, but OMG the book is just a trainwreck of anti-intellectual proto-Fascism and the most obscene racism imaginable. Also the prose is turgid and overwritten. At one point Scarlett compares Rhett's

A friend of mine told me in all seriousness that he was "surprised no one's had any plans to remake GWTW." I think I gaped at him for a moment before I said that it would never… NEVER… happen.

You should read the book. I tried to. It's 1000x more racist than the movie, which is pretty disturbing.

The stage show is charming, but UUUUUGH yes, even then, on stage, the ending just rankles. It's so much worse in the movie.

And we would totally have a happy ending! Wait

This show is the most realistic horror movie ever made. The scene where she drugs Don almost made me physically nauseous. She's going to destroy that wonderful family, isn't she?

You worked on T2!? OMG the scene of the city's nuclear destruction gave me nightmares for DAYS!

I was eight too… I didn't actually know it was on the air, because my parents (I think mainly my mother) were super, SUPER protective and didn't allow me to watch anything other than G-rated material (mainly Disney cartoons). It was very limiting.

THE AV CLUB: random-ass condescension

Would "tiresome" work better?

Kag1982, I agree. The show has problems (the Dorne plot stinks to high heaven) but I think that stems in a LARGE part from the source material. The books were terrific at the beginning, but became increasingly dull and convoluted as time went on (though there are brilliant bits here and there, of course). Weiss and

I feel that this episode was a return to form. Season 5 was really uneven, but this was fast, exciting and not a second dragged. TOWER OF JOY! Arya becomes Nobody! Holy shit, there's Rickon! *Pours out a 40 for Shaggydog*

I honestly don't know. I tried to watch this season with a friend who liked OL's first season, but I had to ragequit after the second episode. I don't get all the glowing reviews. The writing is easily some of the worst I've ever seen on a prestige show.