
YAY! I agree so much!

Reign >>>> Outlander. I tried to watch Outlander this season, but Jesus Christ it's gotten worse since last season when it was just dull and pretentious… now it's dull, pretentious AND stupid. Outlander is a Snickers bar that thinks it's filet mignon. OL has somnolent pacing, AWFUL dialogue ("Your honeypot…is bare!"),

Oh God. This show. THIS SHOW. For a moment I thought the dream sequence wasn't a dream sequence… and that she and Anton would get their happily ever after. The shot of them staring across the snow to their plane was so beautiful… it reminded me of Zihuatanejo from The Shawshank Redemption.

That's interesting— my cousin told me stories (around 1998) how Anne Rice was detested by her neighbors for blocking businesses from entering her neighborhood in NO because they weren't "picturesque" enough or some shit. So she prevented a lot of people from getting jobs who no doubt really needed them.

You and me both. Last season reminded me of an exceptionally violent and dreary Kathleen Woodiwiss medieval bodice-ripper, with only occasional flashes of brilliance. I hope this season picks up a bit, but at any rate, I'm committed to this damn show until the bitter end.

Thanks! That review was hilarious! Favorite quote: And it’s clear he came armed with a vision, but when that vision resembles the inside of a blingy Dubai nightclub, we’re all in trouble.

Maybe I'm just easily entertained by any show with costumes, but I liked it. Call me crazy, but I liked it more than I thought I would (I just watched the pilot for the hell of it). It seemed very… trope-y, but fairly well cobbled together, and I liked the production values, especially with the street scenes and all

The costuming is actually TERRIBLE. Gillian Anderson's one-shouldered half-strapless lavender "ballgown" with georgette drape looks like it's from David's Bridal. Tuppence Middleton's costumes range from 1910s to 1930s in style. And everything is badly fitted and made. It's incredibly distracting.

That… would be pretty awesome, actually.

The pacing is lackadaisical, but I'm surprised by the (relative) level of coherence and (so far) characters that make sense! Also, this show has style to BURN. And, while not scary, it's creepy and has a ton of atmosphere.

I loved it. It was definitely a horror movie, but in the classic gothic mode. It was stylish, smart and all the Gothic tropes were dialed up to 11. I'd give it an A-.

I really enjoyed this episode— when AHS is firing on all cylinders, it provides a certain kind of pulpy, gruesome, stylish kitsch (a little historically informed, with a dash of cleverness) that I find appealing. It also hinted at the potential of honest-to-God emotion, which Asylum had in spades but has been lacking

Thank God, I'm not the only one…

They used Papyrus, a horrible 1980s fake-Egyptian font, which was also used for the subtitles in Avatar. *shudders*

Coven was more consistently mediocre. Freak Show went from "promising" to "insultingly bad" with breathtaking speed.

The AV Club: Totally Awesome or Complete Crap

I thought Asylum was amazing, but I dropped out of Coven and Freak Show. Dare I tune in for Hotel? Will I be enraged and disappointed like I have been for the past two seasons?

Okay we seriously need a crossover episode of The Bastard Executioner and The Americans NOW

Unfortunately, the first Rohmer movie I ever saw was The Lady and the Duke, which was a terrific cure for insomnia. Nice costumes, though, though I'll be damned if I can remember anything else of the plot.

I love the title— Mistress America is very evocative to me. It sounds like the title of a fascinating story. But man, this review makes me want to avoid it like the plague. It just seems like conflict-free mumblecore featuring a bunch of insufferable, privileged white people.