
Clytie, you're back! I missed your fannishness.

I also haven't seen The Avengers either, which makes me wonder who the other six people are.

You've returned! I was about to send the hounds after you. Yet, dearest friend, you return, replete with the most delicious and delightsome recapping!

I am cautiously optimistic for next season though!

When does the show pick up again, after the pilot?

I always enjoy reading your posts, Mr. Nudeador, and I always imagine you (as per your handle image) as a smartly dressed cat with a small top hat typing faithfully into an Underwood No. 5 typewriter.

I just watched the movie (because I read this review), and I snort-laughed when he said his thing about the Sixties. Good movie, but if I were in Shawn's place I'd have left muuuuch earlier.

Yeah, I watched the pilot, and it just seemed so slapsticky and blah, especially compared to the greatness of The Clone Wars. However, some friends have sworn up and down to me it's IMPROVED SO MUCH since then. I'm not sure if I should believe them.

Oh, cut the bleeding heart crap, will ya? We've all got our switches, lights, and knobs to deal with, Striker. I mean, down here there are literally hundreds and thousands of blinking, beeping, and flashing lights, blinking and beeping and flashing - they're *flashing* and they're *beeping*. I can't stand it anymore!

Yeah, I completely agree.

Yeah, that's a good point. I recently rewatched the pilot, and I noticed how warmly lit and attractive the Winterfell scenes were: and then you compare all the Northern scenes for this season… there's quite a difference, I have started thinking of the North as The Land of the Aggressive Blue Filter.

Stop it! Why are you guys being so reasonable!? STOOOOOOOOP

This is very much "YMMV" territory, but I don't think the past season has been terrible. Okay, the Dorne plotline was awful. But by and large, the other plotlines, IMO, have ranged from OK to great. Maybe I'm just a more forgiving critic than other people on the AVC. But I feel that GoT, even with the somewhat uneven

Let's just imagine Hot Pie happily making pastries at the nice inn he works at now. (Of course, I don't want to actually SEE this, because this would mean Hot Pie would end up dying horribly.)

Well said! I like the mythic and symbolic dimensions of Sansa's story. I'll be very interested to see what happens to her next season.

You have enriched my life with this clip. I love the Scooby Doo universe's version of The Velvet Underground. And hey! Nico gets turned into a statue!

Lord High School… it's right next to School of Thrones

Upvoted for being a really great comment with some solid criticism. This season wasn't as good as last season, but the source material is to blame for a lot of it. I think GoT is a solid show with a fascinating story with amazing world-building and some interesting things to say. Sure, it's the grimdarkest of the

God, I know. That was so dumb.

It ended much the way I thought it would— thoroughly downbeat, but gripping nonetheless. Cersei's march through the streets was grueling and horrible, and I found myself near tears. I quite liked the Stannis/Brienne/Sansa scenes. The Meereen scenes were okay, and I disliked the Dorne scenes as usual. "Meanwhile, back