
Well, one thing you can say for them, they're consistent.

I was starting to feel bad that I'd never seen this movie even though I was bitching about it up thread, so I finally watched it. I feel pretty sure I would have loathed in 1995— the pop culture references were incredibly off and dated (Axl Rose is a big deal? WTF?) but now I find it so…inoffensive and cute. Okay,

It was exactly like that in the '80s and '90s too. The only redeeming feature back then was the connected strip mall off the main ave with Tower Records, Tower Books and Tower Video… once that shut down, there was no longer a reason to go there. RIP Tower… *sniffs*

Well, I was going to say "throw everyone into a wood chipper" but that sounds way too Fargo which came out in 1996

That's quite possibly the nicest thing someone's said about one of my comments

So back in '95, I was 20, and I went to college at Central Washington University, a little over an hour's drive from Seattle. My father and the awful woman he was married at the time lived in Des Moines, deep in suburbia, about half an hour drive from downtown Seattle, and each time I visited home I ended up hanging

Another great recap! I feel I should actually watch the ball scene in this episode for all the costumey goodness. Gabriella Pescucci is so talented.

I must have this fanfiction now!

I kind of like Yara. I'd like to see more of her, eventually….

Great recap! This show is really great at making me feel the complete gamut of human emotion, from laughing at Mace Tyrell singing and dancing in the streets of Braavos like he's in a Disney musical, to pumping my fist when Drogon appeared, and feeling like part of me has died at listening to Shireen's screams on the

Game of Thrones, why can't I quit you!? Oh yeah, that's because you're my favorite grimdark medieval telenovela with zombies and motherfцcking dragons. I love you, show, even if you do make me cry tears of blood.

You've sold me on this— also, Fanny Ardant is a goddess, so that doesn't hurt. Plus… it's on Netflix! I'll add this to my watch list. Thanks!

Yes. The Apartment is FLAWLESS.

If Cary Grant played Linus, that would have changed everything. The terrible script would have still been there, but Bogart was just so embarrassingly miscast. Cary Grant would have been perfect.

I'm curious about the Ormond remake now. I think Ormond is a really underrated actress: she was fantastic with Tim Roth in Captives (one of my favorite romances ever— but I'm weird). Also, Greg Kinnear is adorable.

Fair enough. There's a germ of a good story in there, somewhere, but it needed more development.

YMMV I guess. I didn't find it fun or charming in the slightest. Instead, I found it insufferable and dull. The character arcs weren't interesting to me on any level, and Sabrina was quite possibly the most depressingly passive heroine I've ever seen in any Wilder film. She is… such a soulless, brain-dead puppet, only

Billy Wilder is a genius, and one of the most talented filmmakers of all time. I have seen The Apartment and The Major and the Minor more times than I can count, and I looooove Double Indemnity and Sunset Boulevard. Some Like it Hot and The Seven Year Itch are HILARIOUS. His ability just continues to amaze me.


Thanks for sharing. It seems that your dad and my dad were about the same age— he was in the military most of his life, from the '50s to the '70s, and served in Vietnam for a while. He died in '99 of a brain tumor, so wasn't able to leave much of a digital footprint. I have plenty of pictures of him, but they're in