
When I finally read the book I was deeply disappointed it was nothing like the film. But then, I saw the movie as a little kid in the '80s and idea that nuclear bombs could destroy the earth definitely seemed possible.

Hey, I was going to say that— you beat me to it!

Do you have any recs for particularly swinging and groovy movies from '66-'67? I really dig flicks from that scene, man.

So, lemme guess: there's going to be a big Victor/Caliban/Zombie Billie Piper love triangle? Let the emo shenanigans begin!

Christian is the spoiled southron version of Ramsay. Ramsay Lite, if you will.

No need to watch the show when I have your deliciously smart and snarky recaps! <3

Not in the case of GWTW. The movie is, I believe, a more palatable, slightly less racist version of what's in the novel: which, with its disgusting racism, anti-intellectual romanticism, and glorification of a "Lost Cause," is something I believe is particularly appealing to fascists. Some of that filtered into the

Django Unchained is like the best GWTW fanfic EVER.

Or, as I like to call it, Forever Spamber. To illustrate the mind-bogglingly terrible prose from this book, here's a small excerpt, with Charles II talking to Catherine of Braganza on her deathbed:

My my my my GAWWWWD

NAZIS LOVE IT! That would have been the best ad campaign for GWTW *ever.*

You know this was one of Goebbels' favorite movies, right? He was a huuuuge fan. I like GWTW the movie, and it's less racist than the acidic face-melting racism of the book, but it's still pretty racist in its own right. Ugh

I was 8 years and 73 days old. The highlight of that year was going to Disneyland for me.

THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME POOP SHELVES EXISTED. Man, I thought I'd blessedly forgotten that aspect of my last trip to Germany!

They're not, really. (But I'm still on Team Paige 100%.)

It's interesting how awful Stan was in earlier seasons, but I definitely felt more sympathetic with him in S3 (especially compared to how Philip and Elizabeth so casually and monstrously killed Gene, Betty and the Northrup guy). They're going down, and I will feel sympathetic with them on a certain level, but they

Thanks for the rec! I have GOT to see this.

Ignatiy, I really enjoyed your review. When I first heard of the book, it just reeked of bullshit Red-baiting propaganda as written by some privileged Oxbridge graduate. From what you've written, it seems my initial impression of the material was correct.

My God. That was INTENSE. Philip and Elizabeth's relationship with Paige feels borderline abusive… and the last scene with Philip pulling off his wig was straight up out of a horror movie. I really hope that the next episode doesn't start off with Martha dead. That'll feel like a cheat.

And Oleg trying to protect him! That was also adorable.