
I liked your review, btw. You're long-winded but thoughtful!

I agree. I think she's a fine actress, and the reason she hasn't been so great is because she has not been given the best material.

I tried to watch ROME but I wasn't too impressed (especially not after all the years of hype). GoT >>>>>> Rome


Highlights of this episode: Paige saying, "How can I believe anything you say?" Philip's advice and Jefferson Mays' nose. Martha's fugly early '80s secretary fashions (especially the lavender print polyester blouse). Oleg saying "beeeeeeeeep." THAT SEX SCENE (whew).

I'll go with that interpretation. All I can say is… man, that sex scene was HOT.

I actually heard it first as a teenager (in the early 90s I think) because one of my friends was into it. And I've loved it completely and unironically ever since.

Oh man, you started quoting the lyrics in the opening song, and I started belting out the rest of the song.

Another colossally ill-informed Roma Downey production! All I can say is… wow, I sure wish we had an adaptation of Michael Moorcock's Behold the Man instead of whatever this thing is.

I'm really excited about this. The costumes look absolutely AMAZING.

I didn't say my reaction was rational. Poor Paige! There's no good choices for her in this situation.

I think this is probably one of the best shows I've ever seen.

Oh boy— you asked me a question, so get ready for an infodump about What We Know about Fashion in First Century Judea [From Modern Archaeology] (TM)!

Wow. Once you said it… I can't unsee it!

I should not see this, because from the screencaps I've seen, this show does the usual crappy Faux Biblical costumes: it's all caftans and kaffiyehs. They've uncovered actual clothes from Masada, guys, and that was not what people wore! Oh well, I'm probably the only one who knows this…

Ah, so we have the usual gang of under-informed idiots chiming in late in the thread to say that "Scientology is no different from any other religion!" Yeeeeeah. Go read the book, guys.

He wakes up next to Suzanne Pleshette, with a brief shot of Game of Thrones on the side table. BAM

Oh man, I agree so much. I've seen alleged fans of the show on their alleged fan blogs on Tumblr go into frenzied rants threatening untold violence on Weiss and Benioff because they changed a thing. It's… very… well. Uncomfortable. Dial it down a notch, guys.

I would say the show is generally better than the books. I couldn't read much after the second book; it just became a tedious slog filled with too much rape and dysentery. I do like Martin's prose— I think he can be a helluva writer— but his work needs to be edited BADLY.

Mine too. Though if the show cuts out Jeyne Poole, I'm… well, let's just say I'm going to be VERY UPSET. (I've heard a rumor that they're going to use the show-created character of Myranda [Ramsay's sadistic girlfriend] to sub for Jeyne. If that's true, all I can say is, WTF?)