
That's because Rome is overrated as whoa

I think Nina's character arc is really a brilliant deconstruction of a noir-style femme fatale. In your traditional noir detective/spy/adventure story, a woman like Nina would be ruthless, amoral, and sexualized to the extent that she's completely objectified by the narrative and the viewer. But here, in The

As a woman, I find Annet Mahendru pretty attractive, and I can understand why a lot of the male members of the Commentariat are crazy about her. She's gorgeous, but in an interesting way. Of course, YMMV.

This is one of the best shows on TV right now. And… well. Now I have learned what necklacing is.

Kevin would end the series as King Chubzo, mark my words

And there's a mysterious serial killer too

Cyrus is just hilarious. Did they throw randomly pick names out of a baby name book to name everyone?

It's a traditionally Irish Catholic name. I used to live in Belfast in the '90s, and having the name "Liam" meant you were a Catholic.

The book fell through a wormhole back through time and ended up in the Beeman household!

Reading the comments section after I watch an episode sure makes for some elucidating discourse!


I can't speak for Scrawler, but I don't watch Hannibal because it's not really my cup of tea.

OMG I can't believe you forgot ARKADY, the most gorgeous Soviet bureaucrat ever. And I don't believe you— Oleg is way hot.

Hey, Henry should have asked the pastor and his wife about Dungeons and Dragons! THAT would have been a fascinating conversation.

I didn't hear of Yaz until a few years ago, actually, but in 1982 I would have been 6. I think I was listening mainly to Disney soundtrack stuff and fairy tale themed albums at the time. Also, I lived in rural Oregon, so I was not exactly a with-it and hip kid.

I actually purchased the season on iTunes, in hopes this would register somewhere. I love this show dearly, and I so badly want to see a second season with the gorgeous and amazing Ms Atwell and her entourage of hot dudes in swank suits.

Poor Paige! I kind of want to take her to Disneyland.

Okay, I've finally seen the episode myself. I do appreciate your speeches; I think you've put more thought in this show than whoever wrote the script.

This is a great point. There were lots of soft porn books from the 1950s and '60s with plots similar to 50 Shades, and usually the hero was some junior executive type. Interesting…

He's the most Romantic Guy of all!