
Hey, THAT'S why that short did nothing for me! :)

Sing it, Mohd!

What…? Seriously?

So if you're not actually Ken Silverstein, you and he can be the founding members of the Kevin Urick fan club!

Hey, I didn't know you were Ken Silverstein!

After reading most of these comments I really want to see this movie when it comes to the local dollar theater. It looks wonderfully absurd. I can't wait to see Mila Kunis's Space Ziegfeld Follies costumes and Eddie Redmayne's vampire mouthbreather bad guy.

Jupiter turns out to have an identical appearance to a king on a faraway planet; he's kidnapped; Bob and Pete, with the help of Mr. Hitchcock, must come to the rescue!

Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Wylla Manderly!?

Excuse me as I write "OLEG + NINA 4EVA" on my PeeChee with a sparkly purple pen with hearts over the eyes

I am reminded of "Taco Bellevue" on Futurama. I think Future Henry would be a huge fan of that show.

That and a shot of Oleg's man-ass would make my night.

Wow, that's weird. She's not in any of the previews? She had a big role on Revenge which was (is?) a hit show.

Well, this show sounds terrible but I'm going to give it a shot because it has Margarita Levieva. I was so pissed off when her character was fridged on Revenge.

I still have fond memories of Scott Cohen from The 10th Kingdom. Also, he used to be my sister's next-door neighbor. At one point, after we'd met a few times, I said "Hi, Scott," to him in the hallway; he practically jumped and gave me this paranoid look.

I would actually love to see that as a CollegeHumor skit

Bro you are so EDGY!

I loved Return to Oz. That was good-scary for me. Ditto The Neverending Story. Time Bandits? OMG that was so traumatizing, holy hell… AND A TEACHER SHOWED IT TO US IN CLASS. Because it's just a fun little romp, amirite!?

Now, where's the fun in that?

Yeah, but at least we won't have to read Sonia's latest thinkpiece on the AV Club!

For the longest time I thought it was people pissed off at Liz Phair