
Good point. Another show (originally with Julie Andrews) that's great to see on stage is Camelot; it has so much wit and charm, and I love the music. But the movie is leaden and insufferable.

Oh man, if you want to see the material that poor Natalie Wood was struggling with, you should read the horrible YA novelization of WSS written by Irving Shulman. I bought it earlier this year, and as short as it is, it felt physically painful to read the thing. It's so sexist, racist, and stupid. Every bit of charm

The movie soundtrack is definitely better for repeat listening enjoyment at home, but the revival (IMO) was a helluva show.

That's a great story. I do agree that WSS is way more watchable than a lot of other musicals from that era (like My Fair Lady— *shudders*), and I think that is probably due in no small part to the pacing. So Laurents' book had great pacing (I'll give it that). But the characterization still sucks. It's like…. "The

I can't imagine it being on a proscenium stage. The feeling that Nightcrawler was about to fall into my lap was half the joy of the production.

I completely agree. And I still get angry that they did not get JULIE ANDREWS to be Eliza. IT'S NOT FAIR DAMMIT! SHE WAS BORN TO PLAY THE ROLE!

I understand that, but every time I watch WSS I cringe listening to Wood's Puerto Rican accent.

My other favorite musical is Cabaret (one sweet, the other spicy).

It really makes me wonder what Carol Lawrence and Larry Kert were like in the original stage production.

Hey, I think you can love musicals but still find WSS to be more problematic than successful. (I think it's a draw, personally.)

The worst musical I've ever seen on stage was WSS. It was cringe-inducing schlock.

I think he means Richard Beymer, aka Audrey's dad from Twin Peaks.

I love Oklahoma but I'm corny

This friend of mine, who is a WSS mega-fan, told me that Schrank was originally supposed to sing during the "Tonight" big ensemble number. Good thing they decided not to go with that.

Yeah, I agree. Also, Tony and Maria are just abstractions rather than actual characters. Compared to the original Romeo and Juliet, which had much better characterization, the story is weak. Maria takes her brother's death astonishingly well, and Anita gives in really quickly herself after one quick song about love.

I tried to do OKCupid but I found it nerve-wracking and awful. I got a lot of nice messages from guys, but after a couple of bad experiences I just became incommunicado. I can't pick up cues from a computer screen, and in the end it's easier just to do nothing.

Yes but the clothes will be more boxy and ill-fitting. Yuck!

I work at an art supply shop and everyone watches shows like Hannibal and American Horror Story and Peaky Blinders and True Detective. They're all such quirky, interesting, artsy hipsters…! Bah, humbug!

Well, at least I can look forward to the Rifftrax of this movie…