
Of course you did

I have a feeling you're right. But UUUURGH not another tweeny love triangle. Those damn "plot developments" just suck the air out of the room

The weird thing is that Jimmy wanting to take Dell to the police was heavily lampshaded when the other carnies reacted with incredulity as soon as that came out of his mouth.

Maybe in sixty years people will say that New Pop Star X isn't Taylor Motherfucking Swift…

This show continues to be lots of fun. Lola is really coming into her own— I love how steely and unimpressed she is by Narcisse. And even though this season has been bumpy, I do prefer having Protestants versus Catholic unrest as opposed to the fantasy pagan nonsense of last year.

There was a lot of yuck in this week's episode. That embarrassing Nirvana song (I just want some early '50s rock and roll, please— is it too much to ask for Goree Carter, Bill Haley, or Jimmy Preston?); Penny's forced facial modification (why the hell didn't she run away?); and worst of all, Ma Petite's death. YUCK.

Seriously, dude? "I'm sorry you have reading comprehension problems"…? Classy. I've enjoyed your comments here on the AVC before, but now you're being a dick. Go and sit in the corner and think before you type next time.

Really? Horror characters from Victorian lit unite to battle a big bad, and the cast includes a Mina Harker expy, an Allan Quartermain stand-in, and Dorian Grey? Yeah, Penny Dreadful has NOTHING in common with LXG (sort of in the same way that John Logan's Gladiator has nothing in common with The Fall of the Roman

AHS is getting kind of same-y.

Asylum was fairly scary, IMO, but yeah scares are not much to be had this season

Yup that's it I have a time machine

NOOOOOO Penny Dreadful is overrated and pretentious!! I watched about five episodes of that show when I had to throw in the towel and saw NO MORE.

Ah yes. THAT COMMENT. That was one of the first comments I ever replied to. Seriously, I stopped watching TVD two years ago; I'm so tired of that show (it was so fun and fresh at the beginning, and now's it's become such a tiresome unending soap opera). And seeing the TVD fans crowding into the thread of MY PRECIOUS

He's also way hot so I look forward to the inevitable fanfic and Tumblr gifsets

It's like, no matter how prepared you are for Columbus's sociopathy, when you read his letters, it's like being punched in the gut. I hope there's a special level in Dante's hell that's reserved for the guy.

I thought Asylum had a few truly horrifying moments, and did a good job of sustaining an atmosphere of dread. The main draw of Freak Show is that it's way better than Coven (so far…) but it's not scary. It's a historical-ish paranormal-ish soap. Bless its heart!

I actually put on hand sanitizer when Dandy put the mask on. Ew…

I know it's still a zillion times better than…. OMG A CLOWN IS COMING AFTER ME! *flees into the woods*

I know. It's a weird grade. I'd give it at least a B. It still wasn't overly scary, but it was a solid, entertaining (and not to mention weirdly, awesomely baroque) hour of TV. I read the review first, and I was expecting to be bored, but I wasn't. It was pretty good.

Well, Erik, you were dead on. Lots of great character development but it… was… not… scary. And the more they use Twisty, he becomes less and less frightening. I actually found Asylum pretty creepy and legit scary and even stomach-churning at some parts. Freak Show is so far is a campy Baz Luhrmann-esque