
I love this show more and more every week! The Renee Zellweger joke was hilarious, as was the K-pop dancing amongst the wigs. And the shout-out to early '90s R&B was great.

I think it's pretty lame, especially since Asylum used early '60s music really effectively.

Yeah, when she rescued Ethel from the drunk tank in Baltimore, it wasthe 1920s/1930s by the costuming. Maybe she went back to Germany a few years ago… who the hell knows with AHS though.

In my head, I have started calling this season of AHS "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Jimmy Darling."

OMG that is exactly it. Does he live next door to Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge?

No, Reign is awesomer! TVD is old hat. Charlie Jane recaps it faithfully at io9 too.

Good luck at Salon, Sonia! I've enjoyed your coverage of Selfie. I also enjoyed your coverage of The Following though that show did not bring you much joy.

I used to read Salon pretty religiously back in the day when Stephanie Zacharek and Heather Havrilevsky were writing for them. They used to have an awesome music column with links to free Mp3s that turned me on to a lot of great music too.

You get extra nerd points for using "cursus honorum" in a conversation about online TV coverage. I love you!


So, that was good. Lots of atmosphere, interesting characters, lots of creepy shit and mostly fun. Unfortunately I had a hard time really getting invested with the freaks because they seem to be pretty horrible people, what with drugging and gang-raping a young girl and killing (and hacking apart the body of) the cop


The pilot was kind of obnoxious and gross, but this episode was seriously endearing. I actually laughed several times. "It's how you find which people from high school got ugly!" And Henry suggesting politics or woodworking as alternative interests for Eliza.

It got off to a good start, but I felt there were diminishing returns just in the first season itself. It got to the point it began to feel like a turgid LXG reboot with better production values.

AHS: Asylum was fantastic. Some of the best TV I've seen over the past few years. I was so invested in the characters, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen.

Oh show… I love you… and you're BACK! *squeals* *muppet flails*

I've read 12 and I was often compared to Daria back in the day… but most of these books looked pretty dull even to me.

I've read about 12. I think Angle of Repose was the last book I've read on the list, and that was about 12 years ago. I really enjoyed it though.

I'm pretty okay with those other books you mentioned, but The Great Gatsby is pretty damn overrated.

Ok, so I'd heard about Clone High for years, and it sounded like something I'd like, but I never got around to seeing it until the AV Club started reviewing it. (Okay, not exactly; I watched about ten minutes of the pilot last year, but for some reason it didn't click; but Caroline's reviews inspired me to watch more