Are you kidding? AV Club’s coverage of Elsa’s coup is straight out of Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent!
Are you kidding? AV Club’s coverage of Elsa’s coup is straight out of Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent!
Surprisingly, yes. It’s strange how superheros have eclipsed stars when it comes to how people are demanding representation. The only other stars who came out as queer that have played superheroes are her, Alan Cumming, and Sir Ian McKellen. There might be a few CW Arrow-verse actors I’m missing. A lot of queer actors…
Bill Burr was at the tail end of a comedy show where the crowd was booing everyone. Comedian after comedian was getting booed off the stage except for Burr, who tore into the crowd for twelve full minutes.
Driver joined the Marines right after 9/11 but was medically discharged before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. That was long before Abu Ghraib or the civil wars in Iraq.
“I do feel like the spirit of Alan Moore is a punk rock spirit, a rebellious spirit, and that if you would tell Alan Moore, a teenage Moore in ’85 or ’86..”
“After all, Nattiv (also responsible for the execrable Oscar-winning short film of the same title) has spent most of Skin’s running time telling us, in one form or another, that it’s what’s on the outside that counts.“
It’s as if people are saying he hasn’t made a good “Scorsese” movie in years. If it’s not about the mafia or a gang it just doesn’t register to them.
That’s taking a lot of agency away from Polanski. The guy is responsible for his own actions, regardless of what happened to Sharon Tate. Having a loving and very much alive family hasn’t stopped men from committing rape in the past, so assuming it would’ve stopped Polanski is just wishful thinking.
Thelma Schoonmaker, the top of the mountain when it comes to film editors, still works with Scorsese and is currently cutting The Irishman. When did everyone forget she’s still working?
I was wondering if that bizarro Guardian opinion piece about why Tarantino needs to be cancelled was going to show up here as a GJI link. It’s been a hell of a week so far between that and film twitter saying Scorsese needs a gifted female editor to rein in his overly macho impulses.
But Scientology handles power differently than the Catholic Church. Celebrities are/were deliberately manipulated and paraded around in such a way to give Scientology an air of glamour to the public. There’s also about a fraction of Scientologists in the world compared to Catholics, like 25k compared to 1.2 billion, so…
It’s definitely aping the podcast version of morning zoo patter that so many other Earwolf are doing. “That hedgehog-on-human action is next level bonkers, amirite?”
Not only Saudi Arabia, but many countries have a blind eye turned on their human rights violations if it’s profitable. They don’t put suicide nets on factory buildings because they look pretty.
Ahhh.. nah
Is that a comic for ants?!?!
Well... the Chicago PD did have a black site where they interrogated and beat suspects without booking them because they didn’t want the suspect’s relatives to know where they were. Only after they were interrogated and beaten were they sent to a police station to be officially booked, charged, and given access to a…
It’s hard to believe someone would be so shameless as to stage a hate crime in order to get get more money, so a lot of people didn’t believe it. In situations like this, the only “real” source for facts is between Jussie Smollett and the Chicago Police Department, so naturally the news/blogs covering it are going to…