
Except for chowda. I actually didn’t know there was supposed to be an er until I left new england.


K. Are we really now grading Bethesda on the Inside Man scale? Where anything that’s merely not stupid is worthy of recognition?

My favorite of all the Front Missions; although I would put Gun Hazard as 2nd favorite.

Now playing

Here’s a playthrough. It’s very creative!

Statement: “I can’t wait till they lock off parts of the game behind overpriced DLC”

The Wii U problem wasn’t necessarily the name itself, but all the overuse of the “Wii -insert-” naming system. I mean, Wii Wheel, Wii Fit, Wii Balance Board, Wii Zapper, Wiimote, Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii U, etc...

I dominate chutes and ladders when I bring my d20.

Did you hear about this via

Brady has an NFL commissioner doing that and his career is just fine.

What purpose does 120 sides serve?

DM: As your party leaves town, you notice a little boy following behind you. He has a wood sword and a helmet made from his mother’s porridge bowl. He looks like he wants to go on the journey to Doomlore Temple with you.

Back in my day all we had was coin flips, 2 sides and WE WERE HAPPY!

Just don’t buy a dozen dozen. That would just be gross.

I was wondering how long before someone implicated the Patriots in this.


Dark Souls 4 will just be a guy in cardboard knight armor who comes into your home and burns your family. GET GUD

Wait... is it a character ban, or an account ban? If it’s an account ban I don’t see why save backups are going to matter.

Hey, remember that time you talked about how you were such an impressive investigative journalist with a major from Columbia, then were proven completely wrong. In the mean time, you shit all over someone's legitimate concern. If not. It is now.