The seven copies thing could also be someone just testing the limits. I think your conjecture is likely as well, but sounds more like a kid seeing if he can crack the key system moreso than a legit scene member.
The seven copies thing could also be someone just testing the limits. I think your conjecture is likely as well, but sounds more like a kid seeing if he can crack the key system moreso than a legit scene member.
No kidding. The one guy is talking about implementing DRM now? If the game was DRM free before then it was always easy to pirate. Obviously piracy isn’t the problem, the game just isn’t as good as he thinks it is.
I realized a while ago you’re just trolling but enjoy yourself 😋
I’m starting to think you didn’t read the OP very carefully. Or you’re just a silly goose maybe.
I do in fact know with 100% certainty that you have no clue what you’re talking about, and I’m very confident that your moral argument, that Capcom emulating their own games would be an “illegal soulless” abuse of “industrial property,” is equally worthless.
What a stupid comment. I own all the original cartridges and it is still illegal for me to download the roms. You have no idea what you’re talking about so please stop.
You’re referencing the adage, “the coverup is worse than the crime”. In this case of what appears to be a DUI accident involving a child, “in for a penny, in for a pound” was probably the better choice, because either way he would be fucked.
PixelMon is a mod that adds Pokemon items and monsters to minecraft randomly. This is an actual game with characters and story, so apples & oranges.
May I suggest a whip?
It doesn’t matter how long ago that linked game of the year article was written. Every time I see it linked here I think, “Yes, CK2 is STILL the best game this year.” 2015 and counting!
I guess it depends whether they’ve implemented rape logic. There’s always mods.
Sounds great in theory but how many times have you ever actually transferred a 667 ad game all the way through eu4? It’s already a marathon!
So they also make it really hard to choose the wrong system?
So they also make it really hard to choose the wrong system?
Would it be impossible to rig this off of the gameboy pcb instead of emu? Obviously more difficult, but I’m curious.
I’ve had emeril stainless for 8 years and it’s been fine
I’ve had emeril stainless for 8 years and it’s been fine
“ There’s no warning label on that Wii saying unplug after use that it may cause a fire, there’s no warning label so I didn’t know to do that, to unplug it.”
All hail glorious ToS, most pure and high. Praise Eula.
No that’s swatting, which may or may not require doxxing
Paradox has always been respectful to their modders as much as possible while not being afraid to break functionality in order to improve the product. They also communicate those changes very well. They are the gold standard.
These are worth at least $4.99.