
Yeah this harmony really is their best remote, if not the best in the world IMO. Just pointing out for just $20 you can still get a really great remote

Yeah this harmony really is their best remote, if not the best in the world IMO. Just pointing out for just $20 you

A great, much cheaper alternative is the oarusb04g. It can be extensively programmed with the included usb cable and an community-made app called RMIR. It has a clean, high-quality, full-featured button layout with a ton of behind the scenes options. Its in a class of its own amongst a sea of similarly-priced,

A great, much cheaper alternative is the oarusb04g. It can be extensively programmed with the included usb cable

Having grown up playing Nintendo consoles in the 1990s, many of my favorite games like Link’s Awakening and Star Tropics featured heavy island motifs. I think because games were always like this it seemed normal to me, but in retrospect it’s quite clearly because the games were made in the island nation of Japan. I

"Sir, do you think that I was given a book full of secret photographs of customers and their regular orders when I started working here?"

Think it through though; the server gets fired for colluding and trying to rip off the restaurant or something.

I'd love one but lots of us are competing for counter space I'd guess. A toaster oven can be hard to justify if you already have a toaster and an oven.

I'd love one but lots of us are competing for counter space I'd guess. A toaster oven can be hard to justify if you

Wake up Cara. I need content

Picked this up for my sons Bday. He'll love it.

Picked this up for my sons Bday. He'll love it.

There are a number of docking templates included with the monitor app. you just drag and drop the window on to the tile and it automatically fills the tile. In the screen shot, I have it set to a layout with three vertical tiles.

I don't use mine that often but the ability to easily slice through metal if necessary is comforting.

I don't use mine that often but the ability to easily slice through metal if necessary is comforting.

Produces almost exactly an 8 1/2 x 11 aspect ratio.

I’ve been using an LG 25” widescreen for a couple of months now. It is actually better for web pages, because the included tiling widget easily sets up a three-way vertical split. That’s nearly perfect for the web and Word both imo. I often have two Word instances and a web browser open and it is the best experience

Megaman’s (top) wasn’t actually that bad, relatively. Compare it to this one (bottom). not sure what game it is, but transcription errors were a bitch for that style, I’ll tell you what.

A general downward trend is quality-of-life for the middle class is beneficial to exactly one constituency. Considering $150k to be "upper class" in Massachusetts is ignorant. Anything less than $100k is paycheck-to-paycheck for sure.

Just appealing to the accurate preconception that these things are typically viewed by athletics departments as insignificant

That looks a little high res there, ol’ pirate ol’ pal

Tried to read, failed

Soulless shell of a game? Please send me your top 10 list because you must have the highest of the highest in standards

I know you like some Drake but I love that obnoxious soulja boy swagger