
You made me rofl. Nailed it

You keep waiting 10 minutes on your left turns, and I'll keep making chumps like you stop for me!

That and the left-turner a few minutes later taking the right-of-way into two lanes of opposing traffic at the green.

As much as I hate to interrupt your conversation with yourself, I sometimes accidentally a british spelling

Exactly. There's a reason people are flipping him off and calling him an asshole. It is amusing to think of people LOLing at the "bad drivers" and not seeing any problem with this at all.

It's pixel-based lol. You don't need a high res images, you can just expand a smaller shot proportionally

C0ool! do you have pictures?

Before anyone had rechargeables. They were garbage back then

Nearest popular con is Origins? One of my favorites

I imagine you would find people at game conventions are accommodating of all types of people. The nature of the hobby fandom brings in a lot of traditional outcasts. I highly encourage you to try pax or another con.

I really like your post because you could have gone with the common, passive aggressive and stupid "xbone" insult, and instead went for the simple and poignant insult

I guess if the game is amazing it can

I know, i'm just kidding, and I didn't!

Can someone please explain to me how one hour becomes three hours in less than five minutes?

Woah, I don't think the Japanese are unique in having a stuffy traditional crowd who go on-and-on about the proper way of doing things. Pretty much every country has that.

I think you misunderstood. People are still using chopsticks in Japan, just not correctly.

Little plastic ice cream sundae cups taste better off the pack-in wooden spoon, so your logic is sound.

Wow, what a thoughtful article. Thanks. I already knew most of this but I didn't learn from my parents!

I can't read your post without seeing "serves the Illuminati"

espresso also expresso \ik-ˈspre-(ˌ)sō\