manual check that the content is infact outside fair use
manual check that the content is infact outside fair use
Luke, why has Kotaku had no coverage of the Far Cry 4 bugs? Many PC players are still unable to even start the game because of a "black screen bug". And, though I believe it's fixed, the PS3 version didn't work at all for the first few days of release due to Far Cry 3 save data or something. It seems like you guys…
Its tons of fun, but it's level of detail and nuance can ruin otherwise hardcore strategy games for you. For example, playing CK2 makes Civilization feel like Chutes & Ladders.
thats what winter is for
Fahey, are you guys going to #rekt ubisoft over FC4 launch or not. i know its offtopic
i guess youre about 16? Conan is a legend that paved the way for many aspects of modern humor
Yeah, just sayin
yeah, but
who's this?
Ahhhhh! That poor TV is getting scratched up
i got one like this from tj maxx. pretty much the same as yours but wit has a flap up id window with a second id window underneath. i think you'd like it. They always have them, its from Nautica
Your point is well-taken by non-pedantic readers
Thanks for taking a break from guiding little colored rectangles through a maze to make this video
I don't know, it looks alright to me.
That would be a shame though. World of Starcraft is so obvious it hurts... a WoW 2 would be pretty boring on the otherhand. It would feel like more of an update, since you'd have to have the same overworld map, more or less.
even a broken clock is right twice a day
Typical gamer.
Wow. Entitled much?
"What if in the future they have the chance to release a review and maybe that one site that happens to be holding that review back that could be the only review out in the wild to read."