
LOL. Totally. Actually, my main criticism of the book series is that it feels as if it would have been MUCH better if he finished it in 4 books. I feel that the publishers loved that he had such a slow-to-start bestseller, and asked him to stretch it out to sell more books. I feel that the bulk of the “seemingly

I think that the show certainly had the chance to improve the Dorne story over the books (and that was their intent). Sadly, I feel it just has missed the mark. It really hasn’t added much (yet) compared to the Jamie in Riverlands of the books. At first I thought Jamie in Dorne would have been awesome, but so far

While I LOVE the political war drama aspect of the books and the show, keep in mind it has always had supernatural fantasy throughout both versions of the story. Book one, chapter one (and series one, episode one) has undead zombies (others, white walkers) in it. Basically, that set the tone for the entire series.

That scene with the Sand Snake and Bronn was a major misfire. It felt like something out of a James Bond Movie.

Or Patchface. “I know, I know, oh oh oh oh...” lol

I agree about moving Sansa into Jeyne Pools role (although I gather I’m in the minority on that). Having Sansa be a glorified babysitter for a bratty oatmeal - throwing Robin may be more “real world realistic” in many ways, it doesn’t give as much impact in a dramatic sense.

You know who I DON’T miss? All 1,500 Greyjoys... An entire world of Greyjoys. Greyjoys Greyjoys everywhere... lol.

I’m pretty sure the helmets were where the Vikings kept their spam, spam, spam spam...

Also brilliant: The Keeper of the Seeds lady was Granny from Farscape!

One would have thought Jon Snow and the rest of the Crows would have provided and utilized that handy bit of information during the fight. They already were aware that fire would work on the walkers, but failed to mention that to the wildlings. Just a bit of a flaw in an otherwise awesome episode, IMO.

Jon Snow finally proves he actually DOES know something! Cerscei proves if the whole Game of Thrones thing doesn’t work out for her, she can always fall back on a career cleaning floors!

Easily the best episode of the season, and one of the best of the show. The wonderful irony of this brilliant episode is that it

I miss my Ampeg SVT, but I’m just to old to lug around a 100 lb head. lol. Can’t beat the tone of all-tube though. I do still use a head with a tube in the preamp though (it weighs 3 lbs), but I do miss that all-tube tone.

I also keep and use an old free search tool that works better than any search tool I’ve used since.

I don’t even play any more, but I still keep old AD&D books and dice around the house. I browse the books every now and then, and I just roll the dice for fun. :)

Overall, I thought it was a good episode, but like many others, I think the Sand Snakes / Dorne scenes are falling flat. That whole Bronn/Poison thing felt like a scene out of a James Bond movie.

Mr. Eko selling Tyrion’s staff. That is all.

Sleeping is awesome. It is even more awesome when one can do it on one’s own schedule. Love me some after midnight wakey hanky panky!

I truly hope I don’t need to explain this one.

Who said robots couldn’t feel pain?

What troubled me the most about that episode is how frighteningly relevant to real life it felt. *shudder*