What was his first swat? Did thought catch up with instinct after the whiff?
What was his first swat? Did thought catch up with instinct after the whiff?
I don’t care much about gymnasics, but the crowd reaction on infinite repeat made me appreciate the appreciation of that move.
Counterpoint: math
During to Derby last night, Blackmon actually took the time to ask the name of the little girl that brought him Gatorade and a towel during his time out. Classy as hell.
See contra: Mike Valenti of 97.1 The Ticket in Detroit (WXYT). The Lions refused to renew radio broadcast rights unless he was fired for his criticisms of the team. CBS/WXYT didn’t relent and the Lions moved to an AM broadcast. Valenti still hosts what I believe to be a show that ranks in the top-10 nationally. …
So if coach goes pro and dad gets fired, kid is stuck there for 4 years. heh...like he’d take advantage of the free degree.
This story concerns me. Why isn’t “anal”hyperlinked?
Walk Chalk Jayhawk
Pictured: Markstrom’s best save of the night
But I like Budweiser. It is ubiquitous, doesn’t rape my tounge, doesn’t cost $7 without explanation, and doesn’t get served with a mustache wax garnish. Don’t roll your eyes at my beer and I won’t snicker at your skinny jeans.
Someone on the Celtic bench has been visiting Deadspin and decided to ‘up their sock game.’
I started to read this. Then I checked how many starred it. Then I tried again, in spite of the stars. Then there must’ve been a DDoS attack on my DNS brain.
Hawt take (?)
Now we can expect the baseballnistas to drone on about how ballplayers are tough, too.
I’d hit that.
He never made it to the NFL. He was drafted by the Lions.
The implicit deal is you get the “reporting” and we get the comments. Now three comments deleted, notwithstanding replies, and stared replies mysteriously disappeared. Recap...we’ve identified this article as a recap of a linked article, no new substance, and carry on
Click the linked article. Not so much reporting as regurgitation. Not to say it’s not important to bring the story to a fresh audience. But she’s as much a reporter as I remain in the gray (or grey)
Poor ball security. Harbaugh would’ve pulled the scholarship. Send him to JuCo.
Quiet with your thoughtful analysis. Go back to Gawker.