Subliminal Bukkake

*Sad Trombone*

Given Apple's love of propietary ports, this alleged Apple TV wouldn't work with your XBox360/PS3/DVD/BluRay Player, right?

Awesome screening job there guys!

@Ryan Goins: When I used it to send a text I got a prompt to send via Google Voice or Messaging, so I guess if you don't choose a default you'll be able to specify before it is sent.

The application is also launched the same way the built-in voice search used to be - press and hold the search button.

Been using this for a while, it's great for reading on-the-go and while-you-go.

Based on his physique, I felt like Rex has really put in the time & effort to lead the league in fucking Moobs & goddamn FUPA.

I think the question should be: "Why won't Apple allow developers to use physical buttons for functions other than their intended use?" It is clear why they pulled the app. Trivial, but clear nonetheless.

@Super Gizmodoman: Was only semi-serious - just wanted to know what phones, troll comment was whatever.

@Vishus: PSN network compatibility would be awesome. Gamechanger! /jargon

@Kaostick: Unlocked at $300 seems like a crackpipe dream, no offense. If it makes calls, uses wireless data, and plays Sony games I think $700+ would be the unlocked price. With a contract it would have to be at least $200 like all the new high-end Android phones. The Droid X, Droid 2, and other new Android phones

@Scaramanga: The original Blackberry Bold had this too, right?

@jacobestes: The tears of unfathomable sadness?

@Brotherford B. Hayes: Kemp, Payton, & Schrempf Sonics jerseys are legit. Brickowski, McMillan, Perkins, or Hersey Hawkins? Hipstervention time.

@bender123: I got starred for commenting on one of Jesus's Antennagate articles, "And on day 2, Jesus wept," or something along those lines, but I was quickly de-starred by Jesus before I even realized I was starred. I assumed it was a mistake, but it's still disappointing.

How dare you guys offer something for free then switch up the terms on us? Who do you think you are, Facebook? Google?

I would have liked to see how the running game worked, or even playing defense. It must be hard as hell to maneuver through the line with the touchscreen D-pad. No thanks.