
Can't agree with this enough! These breather episodes have typically been my least favorite of the Steven Bombs (even though last bomb I started coming around to Ronaldo's Ancient Aliens special by Thursday or Friday) but this one felt very well placed. It absolutely was a breather, and I agree, it could have had a

I really loved this episode. I've been loving this major, major Pearl mess-up and the ensuing conflict and how, surprisingly (or not because of the massive talent of the entire Crewniverse!), this is showing a lot of Amethyst growth! Vidalia was amazing and her and Amethysts interactions were wonderful.

I like that Kindergarten is now established as "New Body Horror every time you visit!"

Same here. I think the major negative to it is being right between these two stellar episodes that, I admit, I think outshined it. I remember during Steven Bomb 1: The One With No Subtitle, that I didn't like The Message, because the info was redundant, we'd had Rose's Scabbard, and then we got the finale and I

So much of my feelings got covered by others, but definitely wanted to join this community in giving SO MUCH THANKS to the Crewniverse for the best show on television!