I dont know what you're complaining about. My penis arrived unscathed.
Pretty much everything. Cars aren't appliances; they're 2-ton killing machines. If you don't know a whole heck of a lot about cars, you shouldn't be driving one. We don't put soldiers in tanks just because they answered 20 softball questions right in a suburban DMV somewhere. Every driver should be trained like a…
Well, pretty much everybody said what I was thinking.
That's how I get rid of hitchhikers.
Yeah, everyone thinks this guy is cool until the tapeworm starts poking out of his mouth.
"Hello; McDonald's drive-thru; can I help you?"
I concur. I mean, obviously this is intended for people who are like traveling salesmen or something and have to work from their car in a parking lot a couple of hours every day, and nobody has ever suggested that it should be used in a moving car, but come on. Really.
Looks awesome. Not published in the US, it seems, for no reason. I don't know why I'm surprised by that. But I can find some used ones on the US Amazon site. Thanks.
My favorite story about the Falklands war was that the nearest English airbase was so far away that it took their bombers 11 midair refuelings to reach their targets. Also that for the cost of the war, England could have bought every inhabitant of the Falklands a castle in Scotland and a lifetime pension.
...which is spelled 'obligatory.'
And aren't these built at the plant in Vance? Doesn't that mean that absolutely nothing will work, and people will be rolling these things down embankments left and right wondering why the CPA didn't fix it for them?
I want to fight zombies in this. In a post-apocalyptic future, this would be totally worth it. As is, crack amount of money.
Yes it was.
Beat me to it.
I remember when I was a kid, I had a book that said that by 1988, these Moller flying cars would be everywhere.
The best one I ever saw said "Jesus loves you (in the butt)"