...who is going to stop you?
...who is going to stop you?
At first glance of the lead photo it looked like it had three outside door handles.
Baloney. I’ve owned my fair share of 70's and 80's econoboxes. They are tin can death traps. There was an article on Jalopnik not long ago that showed a 90's era Corolla being subjected to modern crash testing. It folded up like a cheap beach chair.
People are always trying to take advantage of some scheme to get themselves into something they realistically can’t afford, whether it’s a vehicle or a house. The people selling the vehicles/houses/whatever and the finance companies are always willing to convince people that these schemes are a good thing.
Possibly the kale shake he had for breakfast bogged him down.
80's Honda CRX HF got 51 mpg highway. It, like all the others, could not pass safety standards of today.
I’m older than 45. Still don’t need nappy time in the car.
Pretty sure he’s drunk.
I’m still not getting it. The last time I needed nappy time in a car I was probably 4 or 5.
I miss Joe Isuzu.
They should be charged with reckless endangerment.
Why are all these Tesla drivers so tired? That’s the big question.
So get rid of every fun vehicle and work vehicle and only have econoboxes.
2nd Gen > 1st Gen > 3rd Gen < 6th Gen < 5th Gen < 4th Gen
Neutral: What Does the Future of the Auto Industry Look Like?
That’s one way to keep the rear end from kicking out.
You could buy a real tank cheaper than you can buy those tracks
I think those have a sad malaise era hangover stink on them. The gen from the ad is actively and aggressively ugly. Even the engine is trying to hide under the cowl panel.
Yeah, it is a tough call, especially when you consider the newest generations recycled happy meal toy interior.
Ugliest Camaro generation ever.