
This is Art.

I can’t remember exactly. I think it was the entire strut/spindle/hub and the calipers and rotors. They fit under the wheels and they were an upgrade as far as I am concerned. Those UFO brakes sucked shit.

And that is different from other car companies how ?

That car (?) looks good in profile, but the 3/4 rear view looks a mess. That’s weird.

In Rhode Island you don’t need a sticker for the first two years on a new vehicle. If you are driving anything relatively new they won’t even bother with you. I haven’t put a sticker on any car I have owned in so long I can’t even remember the last time I had one. 

I had a 90 V8 Quattro and I ended up doing the regular disc conversion because I had so many issues with the UFO brakes that I gave up fixing them.

UFO brakes were god-awful terrible. There was actually a campaign to swap them out for traditional discs for any customer that complained about the terrible-ness of the UFO garbage.

I worked at an Audi dealership when these cars were new. I also have an inexplicable fondness for Audi in general. That said, the Audi 5000/100/200 cars were a special kind of unreliable. No matter how nice a condition it is in; you are buying a money pit of problems. CP even if it was available for free.

We need to bring back trim rings and white walls.

Is it bad that I was hoping the car would back up?

They also put that harsh engine that was high winding and high revving and stuck it in a supposed luxury car attached to an automatic transmission. 

Why are there horizontal lemon juicers on the dash? 

That’s a $4500 option.

Neutral: What Would It Take For You To Buy a Peugeot?

It belongs in the same category with pumping fake engine/exhaust noises into the cabin.

The James Dean parallels were laid on a little too heavy for me (it was almost condescending to the audience) but it was still cool.

ready for delivery in two to four weeks

It would probably fit in the rear seat better.

I thought Maxlider was a personal lubricant.  

Well, we know the seat material is a dirt magnet. Black seats manage to find white dirt.