
Yeah, but once the car is 20 years old, a Jalop will buy it.

What year will it be when you finally peel the protective plastic film off the display?

I saw a close friend of mine the other day... He said, “Stephen, why haven’t

My car cannot be better than my clients

Eh. I’ll take a cute one instead.

Let me know when it is available with all 45 colors on one car. The mega Harlequin. 

I keep telling myself to find a Brat and restore it, then I remember I live in New England and it would rust to dust in 18 months. 

In the 90's I worked with a guy that had an Edsel. The body was in good shape although it was all in primer. That car is monstrously hideous in person. A true eyesore. However bad you think it looks in photos, it is far worse in person.

Classic example of being different for the sake of being different. 

Plus it has 1000 goddamn horsepower which buys it some leeway in the looks department

I wouldn’t want it myself, but if I needed a car in that price range, sure. Price is reasonable enough. Honestly, I would probably just find a Corolla in the same price range, but whatever.

David Assman, pronounced OSS-man 

Back in 1988 I looked into taking a flight on the Concorde. I was quoted $8800.00. That was a reality slap.

This is what the Mini crowd prefers.

I’m pretty sure that guy time traveled here from the 70's.

Is it really worth it to look like that much of a tool?

If you’ve got a 2002 Volvo Cross Country in good condition, we’ll drive it.

VAG vehicles are like dogs. There are good ones that will be your friend and protector, then there are bad ones that will crap everywhere and eat your children. The problem is there is no way to know which you are getting.

That license plate is irritating me.

But somehow cost the same to repair.