I think it means the original owner weighed less than 150 pounds.
I think it means the original owner weighed less than 150 pounds.
If a car consistently gets out of the factory with loose cup holder screws, there’s probably more important loose screws elsewhere.
Improperly torquing rod caps. Improperly torquing a cup holder screw. Same shit.
They should make a chart that accounts for the magnitude of the problem. The jiggly cup holder on the Lexus and the blown engine on the Kia aren’t quite the same magnitude of problem.
5th Gear:
Throw that thing in the trash where it belongs.
It was no more of a death trap than the VW it was based from.
The Mazda3, Civic, and Corolla are definitely still true “compact” vehicles, what are you smoking? And can I get in on it?
They commonly leaked oil from the front crank seal. Usually just enough of a dribble to not bother changing the seal and instead just add a little oil.
Sticking a Chevy 350 into the 914 was once a common swap. 914s got abused in the 80's when they were dirt cheap and plentiful and fiberglass re-body kits were all the rage. I haven’t seen a nice original one in decades.
I’m so old that I remember when Haynes manuals were actually useful.
They should rename it the ‘Swoopra’.
Filed to ‘car crime’. Not sure why, but I got a kick out of that.
Is the dash cam footage really from 2 years ago, or does he just not know how to set the date?
He had a couple of people duct taped in the back of the van, he just wanted to get out of there.
Knowing that the Miata is built in Hiroshima; That ad strikes me as odd.
Orange = good. We need more orange vehicles.
they’re miles ahead of the horrible units that plagued the mid 2000's Nissan products
Jeeze you guys are a bunch of wimps talking about gloves and respirators. I used this stuff a million times; it’s no big deal. Handling Taco bell food is more dangerous than this stuff.