
The airplane grille design of that era of Subaru was awful. Nobody swapped that on over the Saab nose because they thought it looked better. That’s a junkyard swap due to a front end collision.

I am seeing this in the first photo:

You can’t have owners popping the hood and seeing some messy-ass engine in there. That would be uncivilized. 

...which may be why you find so many roaming New England

But now you can get grabby with your passenger without the lever in your way.

Stuff is expensive now.

I can’t even tell if that’s the front of the vehicle or the back.

That’s like saying, “that woman is good looking, except for her face”.

This is like a nutrition label stating ‘call for list of ingredients’.

A $35K Model 3 would be helpful, but a more aesthetically pleasing exterior design would also be helpful

I like death-traps as much as the next Jalop, but those Lloyd vehicles don’t do it for me. They’re like nostalgic meh. 

Relatively cheap, easily accessible, V8 powered vehicles. RCB SB V8 trucks are somewhat of a hot rod. Hot rods were always the cheap, accessible, easily modifiable vehicles. Not everybody wants a FWD Honda with a buzzy exhaust.

If they did, I would strongly consider buying one.

Looks like a slant 6. Put some oil in it and some new plugs and it will probably start right up.

Because sometimes you just need a “motor.”

Oh my, yes. I wish I could embed the Eddie Murphy routine about him, here.

I regularly see people in court wearing sweatpants and super hero t-shirts

Meanwhile, Tesla charging stations remain the most satisfying places to park your truck.

I’m also a bit surprised the Toyota Avalon is on the Most Satisfying list...

You beat me to it. I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that.