Get a Harmony remote.
Get a Harmony remote.
Gotta love the wooden prop rod, especially when it is resting on the urethane fascia.
My ‘84 Delta 88 did this. It was “normal”.
Interior like a 1970's dune buggy.
Good thing it has that Clifford alarm. Thieves beware.
I have no audio right now. Was he trying to pass?
What do you do if you have one parking spot and nowhere to store a utility trailer?
Call me crazy, but I like to also warm it up long enough that heat actually comes out of the heater. 1 to 3 minutes when the outside temp is 2 degrees isn’t gonna cut it.
Jim Jones actually used Flavor Aid, not Kool Aid. He was a cheap bastard.
It looks like the Predator’s mascara is running.
How If we added Cambridge, Dorchester, and Wellesley to the mix...
I could go for a ride through Roxbury, MA right now and find at least 10 Hondas with stupider wheels on them.
When I see these old ads, my mind always goes right to the thought that the lady on the hood is like 75 now.
Angry owl is an improvement over the toilet seat logo though.
But the looks..meh, its pretty anodyne, imo. Doesnt look special.
All tattoos are an unfortunate mistake.
So because it’s a truck that means he shouldn’t care that the front is unappealing to him?
I get what your thinking is, and in an ideal world that would be great. That said, if you stop buying things based on how awful the person that started the company is, then you are going to end up living in a cabin in the woods with a bear named Ben.
No one’s going to get sued for the sale, either, because the auction item comes from the automaker itself this time around.