Were these the ones that had that pesky flipping over problem?
Were these the ones that had that pesky flipping over problem?
Amazingly, some people have cars that they don’t drive in the winter. Even more amazingly, some people wash their cars even in the winter, which helps to keep the rust bug away. But, yeah, New England generally is rough on vehicles.
I’m not sure about other areas of the country, but in New England, used jaguars are a penny a pound. They depreciate at an amazing rate. This one is a little more special than most, but not that special. It’s also fugly IMO. CP
McMansion. They are a plague.
Too many doors.
Brand of vehicle aside, Allyn Pierce is a hero.
On a Yugo the CEL not illuminated probably indicates that the CEL itself is broken.
Just gonna mention that it’s Shinola, not Shinoda. Shinola is a luxury brand based in Detroit.
I see some superficial rust on the tow hitch, but I don’t see rust other than that. Where are you seeing the rust?
This isn’t a passenger car, it’s a truck. It is designed to be able to go off-road. Hell, it probably has an ‘off-road’ package on it. If the bags are deploying when off-roading, it should be ‘recalled’ to fix that. That’s my take.
How could this possibly be? I thought every new truck sold only ever went to the mall. Next you are going to tell me that some people tow, plow snow, and haul things.
If ever anything should be classified as a cyclecar this is it.
I’m fairly sure the mats do have a hook anchor. I believe the issue is the floor mats themselves curl up and come off the hook.
Can you get a 4Runner that isn’t beat to hell for $6K?
Still have to budget for the scratch tickets and booze.
I wasn’t going to buy one anyway.
It’s a VW based dune buggy type thing. It really isn’t designed to have the top on.
It’s a cheap Maserati. It’s not an alternative to a new Yaris. As long as you know what you are getting into, and $14K isn’t a lot of money to you, it’s a decent enough deal.
I hear Belize is nice.