
Very cool car. Nostalgia meter is definitely high. In the grand scheme of things $19K really isn’t much money. I’m still not sure if I think this car is worth $19K though. I wouldn’t buy it for that price, but I’m betting someone will and the seller will get very close to what he/she is asking. 

I had an 84 Supra that I bought used in 86. It was not a mediocre car at the time. It was more of a boulevard cruiser than a sports car, but it was a fun car.

Now you can heat your breakfast burrito on the manifold and you coffee on the intake at the same time.

Reduce your carbohydrates, especially sugars, and reduce your intake of prepackaged junk full of preservatives. That is a significant alternative therapy. 

I reread the article. It said no plates. Am I missing some information?

trust me, its orange.

Ok. So essentially it is temporarily registered and you do get a ‘plate’ of sorts. That make more sense to me. Thank you.

Nah, cops have a great sense of humor.

Yep. When I read “before you get a permanent one” it made me think it had a temp plate on it. I didn’t realize that California was so laissez-faire about registrations, since they seem to be so overbearing about rules and regulations in general.

Wow, with all the bureaucracy that California is famous for, they just let you drive around without any registration or temp plate at all for 90 damn days. Holy crap! At least RI gives you a temp registration and damn cardboard plate that’s good for a week. 

Then I read it wrong.

Body Count (with Ice-T) made Cop Killer and there is a chorus where they do say ‘fuck the police’ in that song. 

What about being impounded for driving without a license plate?

They didn’t shoot him, so that’s good. 

I was behind a 90-something Honda Civic today that made a similar noise from its $12 Pep Boys exhaust.

Agreed. They could call it the GT40 Cobra Thunderbolt Grocery Getter if they want. Wouldn’t bother me a bit. 

It’s flair.

Your savings account is returning you more profit than the interest you are paying on your long term loan?

I haven’t seen one of these in the wild since the early 80's.

Cool Cavalier, bro.