Uh, was he wrong on either count? Nope. Fuck off, Pop’s still a genius.
Uh, was he wrong on either count? Nope. Fuck off, Pop’s still a genius.
What a dumbass. If he had just beaten up his girlfriend or child like a normal NFL player instead of smoking weed, he would have been reinstated a lot sooner.
I can’t tell whether you mean Zeke, the judge, Jerrah, or Goodell, but I appreciate both the quality of the curse and the fact that the only grammatical rule to which you adhered was capitalizing Lego.
Goodell: *shoveling CTE studies into a comically large incinerator* Let them protest.
There is no such thing as rank except in military. People who say they “outrank” you outside of the military should be teased.
I grew up a Dallas Cowboys fan in Buffalo Bills country. (Long and corny story about an uncle who told a tall tale about being Roger Staubach’s backup... even when I figured out the truth, the affiliation stuck.) I stuck with them through the sad final years of the Tom Landry regime, basked in the glory of the early…
He was going to go with “We can’t have the slaves running the plantation” but his sensitivity training clicked in.
You’ve got to be kidding. You think that hit was about protecting HIS LEGS? You’re a fucking moron.
This is an incredibly stupid comment, and only an incredibly stupid person (and/or complete asshole) would make it. The o-lineman shoving him is what you have a fucking problem with? Not the headhunting asshole who almost killed Flacco on a play where he had given himself up? What purpose did that serve, if not to…
The Baltimore O-lineman that pushes Alonso to the ground THEN dives onto him deserved to be ejected way more than Alonso did. ... That was something that served no purpose other than to try to harm Alonso and came close to starting an all out brawl.
It’s OK to say you are a Dolphins fans and you are happy Flacco is out of the game.
Classic fencing response.
Football is so fucking stupid.
No one cares.
I’d rather live in Philly than Cleveland, Cincinnati, Indy, and Detroit combined.
Chris Long seems like a pretty good dude.
Better start it to check.
It’s kind of amazing how many supercar packaging issues are solved with the 3-seat configuration — passenger seats pushed back from the wheel wells, driver’s seat pushed forward to make room for the engine and air instake, no need to produce separate right- and left-hand drive versions. I wonder why more supercars…
I have to disagree; personally, I think this gen Camaro is hands-down the ugliest ever conceived.