
AP was a terrible fit for the Saints, who primarily run plays out of the shotgun—which AP is terrible at. AP’s not a great pass blocker or pass catcher, so he’s best used as a decoy in playaction, and the Saints run some of the least play action in the league... because they are some of the most pass happy offenses in

Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL

I just love the concept of how many guys had to agree to this before the game even started and just how well it comes across. These kinds of celebrations just make you smile.

except you can’t at that price

Nothing, and its CEO would have been named at the head of the EPA

I guess I’m EXTREMELY not sure how you see that as leading with the shoulder. His shoulders are squared behind his head, and the crown of his helmet impacts Adams’s face mask. That’s about as head-hunting as head-hunting gets.

in what world did he lead with his shoulder?

Honest question - what the fuck is wrong with you? I hope that’s just the drunkenness talking. That was one of the most vicious, and easily avoidable, hits I’ve ever seen.

I have nothing to add to this other than I got into an elevator with him in Vegas during NHL Awards weekend, and the way he was maneuvering his little motorized scooter around the crowded lobby and to squeeze into a packed elevator was Scooter Hall of Fame-worthy. Forward, backward, side-to-side, K-turns...he had it

I nail this pass every time in Forza. Usually it means the other car gets spat into the wall but that’s their problem.

That’s the best passing spot in Gran Tourismo! Just ram the other car straight into the wall and at the same time your car will bounce back just ready for the turn.

I am not sorry to insult Richard Petty.

Someone else said it much better than I.

The only counterpoint worth saying, then, is simple and vulgar: Richard Petty, go fuck yourself.

The Bengals don’t have a QB on their roster that can throw the ball more than 40 yards in the air.

The K900 and Taurus interiors look like shit. Cheap, old-fashioned, and devoid of design flare.

No protest is ever acceptable to the establishment. Quiet, dignified protests like Kaep’s are unacceptable. Marches are unacceptable. Protest songs are unacceptable. If it’s black folks protesting some form of disenfranchisement, it is NEVER ACCEPTABLE. That’s basically the long and short of it.

“Not getting up from her bus seat? Disrespectful AND disruptive to the bus schedule.” — 4-year-old Jeff Lurie, 1955.