Sounds like a good reason to keep it. It's not like 1-3% like so many cars before the option is chopped.
Sounds like a good reason to keep it. It's not like 1-3% like so many cars before the option is chopped.
This isn’t the wastegate or BOV (blow off valve) you’re hearing, it’s actually the lack of. The chirping is the pressurized air being forced back through the turbo when the throttle body is being closed between shifts. The BOV is used on street cars to prevent this from happening and reduces stress on the turbo…
Or the goalie could, you know, block it.
How is it possible for me to simultaneously be completely sick of this whole fiasco and also root for it to continue forever? These are annoying/amazing times we live in.
tesla does NOT need to unionize. this isn’t the fucking 1930s. tech giants don’t need unions. this is a money-grab and people are too stupid to see it.
Professionals?! Having fun on the diamond?! The unwritten rules have GOTTA say something about this, right?!
I always check myself for weapons and explosives at the airport too so I don’t understand why the TSA always has to give me crap.
5th Gear: Volkswagen Execs Didn’t Do Anything Wrong, Said Volkswagen
Or ignoring reports of wrongdoing that were brought to their attention.
Volkswagen Execs Didn’t Do Anything Wrong
You know, other than establishing a culture where manifest deception and violations of the law were necessary to succeed.
So this is what Canadians get worked up about when they don’t have playoff hockey.
Soccer has officially made it in America. This could easily be, like, an Argentine second-division match.
It’s a Wrangler, who the fuck cares what CR thinks of it?
How did I know it would be an EG
No, in a best of seven series, you may lose three games without losing the series. As Washington have lost two games, they may still lose one additional game in the series before they MUST win.
1: Buy the cheapest drivable thing with four wheels and three pedals.
Came here for the delicious, delicious yinzer salt. Was not disappointed.
In the second picture above. You see that white stuff between the little black thing and the red line? That’s a goal. The goalie made an initial stop, but allowed the puck to keep moving without being totally covered and it ended up crossing the line. Toronto had the same view of the goal that you see above. Good call…
Seems like all of these have only 2 wheels, ever since I got my 4 wheeler I’ve been completely pro 4 wheels. Any suggestions on that front?
Seems like all of these have only 2 wheels, ever since I got my 4 wheeler I’ve been completely pro 4 wheels. Any…