600+ hp, solar cells, carbon fiber, AND a computer back in 88! Honestly first thought I had was how have we not made more progress from then till now.
600+ hp, solar cells, carbon fiber, AND a computer back in 88! Honestly first thought I had was how have we not made more progress from then till now.
Perfect place for our safety glasses guys, right over our eyes....
The sketch box.
Sketchy situation yes, but its about dam time!
Came here to say this. Glad someone beat me to it.
Came to say the same thing. For the biggest change in cars from the Hummer to the Leaf!
So you’re buying a Leaf to replace the hummer?!
Bummer he doesn’t play for the NFL he’d probably be starting this week.
I hope he breaks his other collar bone this week and never plays again.
Thank you can’t believe I had to scroll so long to see this was about to post it myself. Except to make it even easier one w/o doors
*naked - in the form of no doors or top, thats where the wrangler really shines.
Cuz from the future.
Wrangler Forum has been going crazy over this color for months now.
So Butler went on hunger strike on the 2nd its now 7 days later. Most important question where is he now?
I never once implied its impossible to still be drunk the morning after. I was getting at the fact that you started preaching as if the topic was something as bad as drinking and getting drunk before work. So once again get off your soap box.
That’s surprising I’ve valeted before and have known alot of people who also have/still do valet and I’ve never heard of anywhere you would even be considered for the job w/o knowing how to drive stick.
We’re talking about showing up hungover here not showing up drunk, get off the dam soap box.
and this is.....
I would love to be a radio host when talking to people who can’t stop interrupting becuase you could simple turn there mic on and off so they couldn’t interrupt.