
and now I hit the back button.

What’s inside trying to get out?

Pretty awesome little rig been wheeling a lot lately with a couple guys with real nice CJ’s and it always nice to see my Jeep’s great grand-dad.

only a 9k redline I thought they went much higher then that.

Can someone just shoot down a fucking Russian jet already.

Hey I just had compression fractures in my back in April! Have fun for the next 8-12 weeks on the couch in a shitty back brace.... At least he’ll still be making money while sitting on the couch.

Maybe a dumb question but whats the limiting factor for the 20 mile in water range? Seems like a long way to have a limit.

Row Row Row your boat to the impound lot....

I’ve heard stanced cars are the best for rain like that, bonus points for the water on the road coming into your engine bay or blocking your headlights because you’re just that low.

Hopefully its Vodka, only way to get through the dialogue at the lunch yesh

That’s and awesome head shape.

This and the Eagles defense were the ONLY positive things to come out of yesterday.

Maybe I’ll shave it just a tad more norrow....

One of the the only Traverish posts that would have gotten a 99% NP if it was up for NP or CP

‘12 Saraha Unlimited owner hear saying I love it more then I thought I would. Been offroad a decent amount this summer and can’t wait to dump some money into it so I can really tackle what CO has to offer. Also haven’t had the doors or top on for almost 3 weeks and I love it! gonna ride it out as much as I can until

Eagles fans.

When I first looked at the title picture I thought that they were sitting at a drive in movie and instantly started thinking who at Jalop is at a drive in and where is said drive in, then I realized whats really going on and that its acutally Tuesday even thought it feels like Monday.

Really getting up there in miles, about time to trade it in for a new one before the unreliablity hits!

Very interesting, we’ll see where I’m at when they actually hit showrooms but trading in the 4dr for this could be a very viable option.

I came to the right part of the comments.