I thought the bridge was held up with thoughts and prayers.
I thought the bridge was held up with thoughts and prayers.
A river runs but doesn’t walk. What do I win? Give me my internet moneys!!!!
To Whom It May Concern:
This is why you go to a “touchless” car wash, which is just a fancy power washer and soap sprayed at many different angles.
Dammit if they could only fix the visibility issue, looking bada$5.
84 months @10.99% APR. But let’s focus on how low the payment is.
God I hated being a car salesman. My dealership sold a new Dodge Dart to a couple who was trading in a 2007 PT Cruiser THAT WASN’T PAID OFF YET. I think at the rate they were at it was going to be a $42k Dodge Dart. But it had heated seats and leather…
Can’t wait to share the road with a bunch of novices financing their 700hp death machines.
Winner winner, have some mothercluckin chicken dinner.
I don’t understand how this was able to happen. I used to be in fabrication. I would personally do hardness tests on the material. We know that the supplier screws up, or tries to fuck you by passing along out of spec stock as good, and we also know our purchaser screws up, trying to save a buck usually, or buying the…
Boeing... may have been building airplanes out of substandard metal??? Fuuuuckkkk....
So Kobe wasn’t massaging the steel every day?
Spoke to a Sheriff of a larger sized county in Illinois about police vehicles of late. His take was that the Ford Explorers were now the best buy for any county and local police department. They have the size you need for passengers (generally in cuffs), reliability you’d expect of a Ford police car, good price that…
Donuts, they’re enjoyable both on and off track.
I just want a sandwich for my efforts.
Go back to Europe. This is murica. The only slow cop car allowed around here is a tank
The question that I have about this issue is “How many police departments actually need vehicles for high speed pursuits.” In many of the small towns, suburbs, and cities that I have lived and worked in, high speed pursuits appear to be dangerous due to heavy traffic, pedestrians, narrow streets, etc. Since no vehicle…
Grattan is a fun track, I’d gladly hoon police vehicles around there for them for a nominal fee.
Hybrid police cars are actually a pretty nice idea, since they spend so much time CAMPING IN ONE PLACE FOR TICKET REVENUE
“I have been surprised by the number of 40-something or 50-something-year-old men who have gotten out of a race car, however many spots behind me on the track, and tried to give me advice as to what I can do better next time,”