
CT5, CT6, ATS, CTS, XTS....goddammit, I want the old names back. Gimme a Deville, Seville, Eldorado, Fleetwood, Talisman, even a Catera instead of this alphabet soup nonsense. Find this ONE WAY not to ape the Germans and I’d respect Cadillac a lot more.

Like this is some kind of surprise. Raptors have been good at tearing through fences since 1993.

I really like the cars and coffee edition

Did the pilot suggest which god they pray to? I wonder if the Pilot suggested the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Oh jeez, here come the cool witty atheists with their flying spaghetti monster jokes...

Fuck lane splitters. This is awesome.

The comedy of it all is claiming that the 25-year exemption for emissions and safety regulations is to keep unsafe, “dirty” cars out.

Container full of guns and cocaine. Umm as long as you don’t sell to minors.

The United States only has 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

But the question is why would you put an evooo through all that suffering through the years

don’t make it out to be worse than it is, andrew - those tires are only flat on the bottom.

That’s what you get for buying the sedan version of the Focus.

First impression from the title: a bear wanted to try and do some doughnuts once he got in the car. That’s a real Jalop bear.

Bears go nuts for donuts.

Well that blows.

“and tossed the driver out of the SUV and onto the roadway.”

I can paint my dishwasher red and put a nice set of wheels on it, but at the end of the day, its still a dishwasher.

“Camry Dents never go away; they just become more expensive until the car itself is just one giant dent, forsaken and uninsurable.”

The irony is they couldn’t get out.