Yes it will look like nothing they will put on the market.
Yes it will look like nothing they will put on the market.
Of course if VW makes it 100% Electric, it will have some unobtainable range and we’ll find out later that it has a gas motor hidden in it and late at night VW employees sneak around to top off tanks.
good lord it just gets uglier and uglier with each iteration
Neutral: What Do You Make Of The Latest VW Cheating Allegation?
You should talk to one of the commenters on the SF-R. To paraphrase him/her: companies can make a 125 hp car for under $15k so they can easily make one with 250 hp for $17k and add better brakes be suspension for under $20k.
Fuck me, there aren’t that many Chargers left, and they had to go and do this dumb shit. Sometimes, I hate people.
Irony is people complaining that their 700hp RWD automobile with high-performance rubber isn’t good in bad weather.
Congratulations! You are officially That Guy today, November 3rd 2015.
Doesn’t matter which one you take home; they both look great, and someone in the comments will eventually complain that Mazda should have either a) added power, b) made a hardtop, or c) made some mythical sub-$20,000 trim so that they could say they’d buy it used in ten years, but end up getting a midsize sedan in the…
So, he should go Will Smith on his son and shove his non-exitent talent down people’s throats?
What’s the price? I’ll pick it up for $10k tomorrow if it’s a manual.
Fixed the caption there.
Here. Let me cleanse your eyes with something far better.
Looks like a student model from one day of polygonal modeling class. It's a proportional nightmare. Worst of the Gran Turismo proposals so far.
Yup. This is as much a move to fracture NATO as it is to exert regional control in the Middle East.
Weakness begets weakness. The US has chosen to hector allies and make deals with enemies, instead of leading, so now we get Putin on the march in Ukraine, the Med, Syria.
In a way this is so sad, because we’ve gone from a nation with the will and determination to do this into a nation that can’t build a bridge in under 10 years and $3 billion.
This is honestly not very expensive considering it is literally a turn key race car.
This is indeed a great article but I have one issue: Comparing France, or any other country in Europe for that matter, to the US in regards to social issues and policing is like comparing apples to oranges. Europe has a HUGE muslim population whereas the US does not, also the police in Europe are a different breed…