"She is too attractive for a guy like him"
literally and unironically this
Never use "overrated" as a valid criticism again
This guy
The main thing I held against him in this episode was his turning down her suggestion to stalk that one constantly-impressed woman. That would've been a genuinely sweet game and that was a thoughtful pivot from her than just straight-up shutting him down for his plans. But yeah Mickey was very forgiving with him here,…
The hesitant banter's really charmed me lol, and not even on a cringe-comedy basis. It's just sweet, I don't really find it awkward no matter how strange it is to see on scripted television
Yeah, poring through these comments so far's an experience in annoying myself. I'll continue with next episode's but if 2 episodes hasn't cleared out the ruder feedback then I'm just sticking with the reviews alone.
Nope, she's right. They branch off into disgusting directions but the foundation of PUA techniques is all basic social lessons.
Terrible comment
How on Earth was that "so salty and rude?" He was masterfully restrained on calling you out on your fuckery
A-are you OK?
Just going through a rewatch of the show and poring through the original comments and I just wanted to point out I love a certain line in your post: "[…]but all the stag does to him is nuzzle." Genuinely fucking cute.
Killed off two more fat people and had the gay guy attacked.
Don't know who this Nuff is but I have to agree with what he said
Sweet Christmas, I just realized what you reminded me of. Those little Mr Saturns with their bizarre lingo on Earthbound!
I like the cut of your jib. A little disturbing, but unique
She was being playful, you're being kind of autistic about this. And her acting is still solid.