Subahar Ariyarasa

I still don't get your repulsion towards Chloe. She's rather bald in her communication but I never detected a manic trait on her. She seemed to be very accepting. I think you're just projecting a bad real life encounter onto her. She's not even a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Just a serious oddball. And she fits Daniel

Silence, she's a single mom who works too hard

"Abraham and Glenn and I'm like—uh, no, that WAS actually Rick's fault"

lol. I still accidentally call it Rectified when recommending it to folk

You haven't explained why you hate that Chloe woman

"S3 is better than S1"

Literally this. Come crawling back to find out who got snuffed while maintaining an air of indifference.

He was the harbinger for the transracial guy lol

Not crazy, most of them just considered it a dick move and self-serving. Which it was. I'm not completely sorry because this show is brilliant but he should've let the writers decide when his character was done.

I hope we got the virtue-signalling out of our system

"The episode was really confusing."

Don't ever fucking complain about product placement again

He's really not an asshole lol, settle down

Literally this

It's an "AVclub commenter misuses the term 'sociopath' again" episode. I bite my thumb at whoever upvotes those kinds of posts. They're rude and virtue-signalling

This fella's being a contrarian but I agree that I had to raise an eyebrow seeing the score this episode got. I liked it, definitely was not A material though. C'mon

This episode really wasn't better than the one that followed it

Sir? Sir, please ca- Please calm down.

Cold, man