
lmao wtf

I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve seen him in, but”

why grown men watching baby shows? why you not watch shoot?

And her son.... :(

Oh, b-but... that was a good episode...

Well, that’s lead us to genocide that is arguably every bit as bad as that which was perpetrated against them in WW2.”


*So Tired


What the fuck are you on about my man!! You actually want to wait a week between episodes of a season again?

what the fuck!!!!!

Fair point

I get what you mean.. I’m glad I saw the movie before I read the book. I thought the movie was brilliant but then the book totally blew my mind, succeeded in getting me to think in a perspective I never thought I was able to. I would’ve definitely been a little put out if I did this in the reverse order... even with

Let’s just relax, huh?

B-but.. you just suggested it..

Nah man she just really likes that stuff.

Oh come on, you’re taking SNL way too seriously

There’s no “maybe” about it tbh

but it’s spoken like “and we the hosts never would have behaved that way.””
Maybe that’s actually.. true, tho?? Why tf should they need to be gracious about it?

Your English is getting a little sloppy, respectfully