
this but unironically


Fuck off then

What’s so funny??

he was great but a lot of the episode prior to the stuff with him and his daughter in law was actually kinda mid


Stick to bitching about article typos, friendski

Just say you agree

C’mon, it was fine

lolz... yeah...

So basically, you can like long movies without thinking that those who don’t are jerks”
And he, for one, DOES think that who don’t are jerks. Why does it sound like you’re trying to kind of police his opinion

I was thrilled to hear a Godzilla film get so much love, and I’m still really happy about that, but the movie turned out to only be OK for me. Same went for Maverick, so maybe it’s a me problem

Yes she is

Horrible thing to say..

One comment is enough

While that’s pretty extreme, it actually makes a kind of sense to me lol.


but nothing good comes from being seen as busty.”
Fake news

Wtf the chat replay won’t turn off 

Boring anecdote