“Cadillac Converter.” Used to sell parts and would love it when somebody asked for a Cadillac Converter for their Kia Rondo.
“Cadillac Converter.” Used to sell parts and would love it when somebody asked for a Cadillac Converter for their Kia Rondo.
7/10. Your second attempt was better. I recommend more exclamation points, it works for Trump.
“The change to catch some cruise-borne norovirus”
I would agree with most of that, but to say that the Goldman Sachs speeches are a non-issue because no other candidate has ever been asked to do that is asinine. That’s like if were to know that Trump gave multiple paid speeches to groups of Klan members and was like “ It’s unfair of you to ask me to publish those, no…
The issue is that AZ/Oreilly’s/Advance all pay shit money, so their turnover is high and workers don’t get trained well on how to use the crossover systems or pull out the old books to find parts by dimensions and stuff. If they cared about what the customer’s say, they might pay more than $10 an hour so people with…
That’s a good question, Where was Ted Cruz? Clearly he wouldn’t be in Ohio, there’s no need to pander to them as they’ve already voted. But while Ted is a garbage person, he is not dumb. How do we know that he doesn’t just want us to assume that he wasn’t in Ohio?
Because Austin is the Brooklyn of Texas. It’s where all the cool kids hang out.
God Dammit. Every time I think I’m original