I wonder why the Braves are moving?
I wonder why the Braves are moving?
I know, down here we're just busy producing the best of the US literary canon.
Also cathartic: having some perspective and being glad he didn't go to college? at Ole Miss.
O face.
I also love the look on Broner's face; he's appreciating that shit before it even lands.
Benzema, though, might consider it.
Pretty much the only thing I dropped by to say.
Hah. Or at least an open relationship. Think comment above re: it comes from a good place is probably spot on, but you'd think she'd pause on that one.
Wondered whether that would pop up in the comments. Think checking w/ a doctor was the only part about that response that made any sense.
A direct hit to the tip hurts pretty fucking badly; just fyi.
/insert gif with joke flying over head.
Truth is a defense to defamation, yes, but I don't think he wins at summary judgment given that she can couch it in his total statement that he broke up w/ her b/c of it.
For serious? That doesn't stir you at all? That was some defamatory shit.
That's a separate issue from whether her client has a valid claim.
These fucks have been invading my town more and more since I was a child, and they kept coming to my school in increasing numbers when I was growing up.
Savvy business move on her part. I love that it has a link to "other statements," which there is no way I'm clicking to drive up her traffic.
This actually is kind of an interesting claim. Calling someone out for getting an abortion on a national platform is some fucked up shit anyway. Allred's taken some ridiculous shit for publicity, but she's got a real f'ing deep pocket here and a pretty good defamation claim, among others. I don't usually deal w/ HIPPA…
Wait, y'all just posted her ad instead of the Complaint? C'mon now.