
I'm not an Arsenal fan and kind of hate them (though less than United and Chelski), but the good of it is netting that CL tv money you get for the knockout rounds.

The pay raise likely was done purposefully to stop the move going through. Can't fault him for not wanting to leave. He's a good enough squad player.

Because he makes the CL every year for 17 years on now? Folks that screech fire Wenger are like college football fans.

This has been much discussed among my fellow reds, and I think he really wants to prove himself. 4 competitions this year, so he should see the field here and there.

I used to have an orange one of those. Really wish I still did, but my dad pissed off the mechanic so much over a small billing dispute that the mechanic had it crushed just to spite him (the spite was deserved, even though I loved that car).

I like how this rule applies to coaches, too...

Just moldin young men here. Move along.

Does he even have to give excuses when someone else is doing it anyway?

Stop it right there. As a die-hard LFC fan, you might as well be torturing puppies for how you're making me feel.

Not even close.

Watching Strom hand out candy to young staffers while a friend working on the Hill took me around is still one of the creepiest things I ever done seen (idiom on purpose).

A lot like the rest of the shit out of Nashville.

Thanks, Landon.

He needs to invent a good TD dance for a pick six. Already got the name lined up.

Stupid question that's already been answered by Gawker properties: I have to open a non-burner account to get followed and not be in the grey, right?

Everything about this game was wonderful.

Definitely try it: pickled okra in the bloody is really fucking good (as is pickled okra, generally). Back when I lived in NYC (left in 2010) I asked for some at the usual brunch spot and just got funny looks. Couldn't find it anywhere at the store, either, which sucked.

Seriously. Flipped on the tv while making a snack and thought it was a joke at first. Then just wanted to throw the tv through the window.

Why in the f are they driving around w/ a pound of shit?

It's weed, so I'm taking the over.