
Yes. We never had enough money for a trapper keeper (sigh), but I used to get one fancy ass mechanical pencil every year and a ton of lead, not to mention those brand spankin new, college-ruled, spiral notebooks. Going to office depot now, which I still get to do b/c I work for myself, still makes me happy (except for

Didn't even require Raheem to take a touch. W/ the off foot, too.

This is some high level fucked up shit. What in the hell?

Considering the stop-start, commercial interrupted nature of live football games, which makes even going an exercise in tolerating boredom, wifi would be f'ing nice.

It's cool b/c you get a college education...sigh.

This whole fucking thing is so fucking stupid.

Is that the name of the office building? Remember that interchange from when I was living there, but don't remember that building, though that's probably b/c I don't remember any of the office towers there. Or maybe it wasn't there: left in '03. Not arguing: just curious. Haven't been back since '05.

I had no idea this rift even existed until the New Yorker piece a couple of weeks ago. The trans-exclusion thing makes no sense to me; the ideological underpinnings of that position seem pretty baseless to me.

It's the right accent for that part of NC, but that's not the chapel at the end of the video. Not that it matters.

Agreed, though I would note the MLB has by far been the worst offender in this regard. I was trying to explain Sid Bream scoring the winning run against the Pirates to a friend's little brother a couple of years ago and it could not be found anywhere in video form.

That is fair for both of those movies. I don't think there's anything Ritchie's directed that I haven't enjoyed; even the crappy ones. When is Rocknrolla 2 coming....

I think knives are a good idea. Big, fuck-off shiny ones.

Zach Braff is a hack. Never will understand why people like him so much. Also, we get it, Zach, you once read walt whitman and you, too, like to celebrate yourself.

Nope. Can't believe my alma mater isn't on the list, though perhaps there was a crackdown after I graduated.

Shut up, you little hard-on.

I'm not saying that it doesn't take creativity, research, or that its practitioners aren't smart people, or that ads don't often make me laugh. But we'll have to agree to disagree on whether the fundamental premise, which is making people buy things they don't need to live, is morally dubious.

Nothing good will come of it, but it would be heartening if something did. Not enough powerful and / or rich people give a fuck.

It's beyond disheartening. I can't believe I'm even taking the bait right now. I always used a burner b/c I'm internet paranoid, and I always wondered why it took so long for a comment of mine to be seen until I realized the deal. This is fucking horrific, as is that shit over at jezebel (w/ the graphic gif posts,

You mean - the facts as reported by multiple eyewitnesses that conflict with the shooter's version?

Let's just make it: half-the-fucking-country-vitriol-based-on-non-fact-coded-racist-statement-bullshit vitriol towards Obama, then.