
Nothing will change. This country is a fucking joke.

LeGuin shout! I thought Larry Summers settled the debate on this....fucking asshat.

I usually find Jezebel one of the more interesting of the gawker family sites. This post (not your comment, the post) is....not interesting.

It's the advertiser's obligation to peddle bullshit and make people want things they don't need. It's a morally bankrupt profession.

In other unsurprising news, capitalism is insidious. If folks can't parse TV for commercials, well, we really have lost all hope.

Nice - will have to check out Mixed-Up. Doesn't sound like I could stomach the other. I refuse to recognize the crappy cartoon atrocity that attempted to do Earthsea.

Forgot about the Tripods. Those were good.

I f'ing loved Chronicles of Prydain. Still give it out as gifts to kids in the extended family.

Westing Game and Mixed up files...yes please.


If my memory - admittedly shit - serves me correctly, once you get to heaven you just sit and worship god in all his magnificence (can't remember where in the bible that is but have a pretty distinct school memory of learning that and laughing (internally)), which sounds pretty shitty to me unless it comes with some

Do a search for verdicts and settlements for on-campus rapes. Think about how many dollars you would take for that. See if anything in the public domain is commensurate with what you think the Plaintiff / victim deserved.

Not that it's okay, but a lot of behavior like that is tradition, and when the board is made up of guys that engaged in the same kind of behavior at that age (or at least were treated to their first prostitute around then by some older "gent'), well, a blind eye is hardly surprising.

Oops. Posted the same thing before I saw this. I'm an idiot.


Only one I can think of, but strip clubs aren't my thing.

Do you mean the Hooters in Underground Atlanta? Going there in high school was always pretty exciting, but underground is pretty dead now (not that it wasn't always kind of shit).

sigh. boring. take 'er easy man. super-weak troll effort.

Men in Blazers salute you.

I'm going to try at sincerity here: you're really going to blithely ignore the genocide, disenfranchisement, and general context of this situation? It's not "that people" who are offended. It's that a specific subset of folks that were raped and pillaged by this country's government, have little to no voice therein,